
Wow... These images of a natural breech birth are truly spectacular

A frank breech birth is when Baby is born bottom-first – with their legs pointing upward and their feet near their head.

Finding out your baby is in this position can be a worrying time for mums, with many believing that a natural birth is out of the question for them. 

However, in a bid to raise awareness and to "inspire a healthier way of thinking around natural breech birth", first-time mum, Mel, decided to share her daughter Zoe's birth story, alongside some truly spectacular images by photographer Kate Kennedy.

Enjoying a normal pregnancy, Mel was surprised to learn that her baby was in a frank breech position.

As a midwife, she knew that, while the situation wasn't ideal, a natural birth was still possible.

"[Mel] attended the Breech Clinic at John Hunter Hospital where they went over everything and decided that she fitted the criteria to attempt a natural breech delivery," Kate explained in a post on her website

"There was a chance this plan wouldn’t eventuate as any number of factors could have arisen, but with the unwavering support of her wonderful husband, Ben, she decided to at least try for the natural birth she had envisaged all throughout her pregnancy."

And on April 10th, baby Zoe's big day arrived. 

"Mel spent most of her labour quietly contracting under the shower, with Ben tirelessly supporting and encouraging her, and her second support person Denise (also a midwife) ensuring she didn’t doubt her ability to birth her baby for a second.

"When she hit 2nd stage and baby Zoe was deep down and ready to be born, Mel moved to the bed where she could kneel and safely birth her baby without anyone needing to intervene.

"It was only around 30 minutes until beautiful baby Zoe arrived in a completely calm and controlled birth, with Mel gently breathing her out and no one touching the baby during delivery (which is the recommended approach for a successful vaginal breech birth)."

Kate and Mel have both kindly given us permission to share the below images to inspire other mums who may find themselves in a similar situation. 


Spectacular images – a wonderful insight into one of the many ways babies arrive into the world. 

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