Family Life

This powerful image captures the inequalities fathers face in public

The struggle of trying to change our children's dirty nappy in public is real.

Whether they have an explosion or you've forgotten nappies, wipes or a change of clothes – it can be tough.

But perhaps one of the most annoying elements of changing them when you're out and about; is when you walk into a toilet and there's no changing table. 

This occurs on occasion for mothers, but it seems to be a regular problem for fathers.

Our bathrooms are more often than not, gender-associated and unfortunately, in this day-and-age, it is still assumed women change nappies.

One dad who has had enough of the inequality took to Instagram to highlight the issue.


A post shared by Donte Palmer (@3boys_1goal) on

The dad-of-three, Donte Palmer uploaded a picture of his son being changed on his knee because there was no changing table in the male bathrooms.

In the caption, Donte said: This is a serious post!!! What’s the deal with not having changing tables in men’s bathroom as if we don’t exist!!"

"Clearly, we do this often because look how comfortable my son is. It’s routine to him!!!! Let’s fix this problem! I Kaepernick drop a knee to this issue," he added.


A post shared by Donte Palmer (@3boys_1goal) on

The dad makes a valid point and children shouldn't have to get used to this type of treatment.

Donte told Scary Mummy, the picture was snapped when one-year-old Liam needed a change whilst out he was out for lunch with him and his big brother, Isaiah. 

The post has garnered a lot of attention online and sparked the question of why in 2018, men are so often overlooked when it comes to parenting.

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